Monday, January 14, 2008

Get Ready to Next Tsunami in 2011


Yeah. It could be,. As we discussed all my laws will full fill in 2011. At least there should be an earthquake. Any way, these laws work as well as for earthquakes. This can be trigger out during January 2nd to February 15th. After February 15th Mars will move Capricorn to Aquarius. During January 2nd to January 8th this danger is much higher. Keep this is as an waring not as a prediction.

Post Tsunami Vedic Astrological Investigation

In 2004 Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India were strike by tsunami. I tried to look this incident using my astrology eye. Finally I could found some pattern on every tsunami horoscope.

Let say Tsunami Laws, (there are 3 laws just like Newton’s Laws :D )

1. At least two of water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) should be aspect or conjunct by Saturn and Mars.

2. All other natural benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Waxing Moon) should be aspect or conjunct with malefic or Papa Karthari(middle of two malefic planet).

3. Saturn and Mars should be aspect or conjunct themselves or Mars and Rahu should be aspect or conjunct themselves.

I’m not going to prove all these laws by examples. You can check them yourself if you want. (ref