Authour : Astrologer & Architect Advisor, R.M.S. Ratnayaka, B.A. Trained, Retd. Principal. Contect Info: #96, Poorvarama Road, Kirulapone, Colombo 06, Sri Lanka. Tel +94 11 2811514,+94 11 2856301, +94 60 2184561
Who will Arrest the U.S.A. Tumbling Down ?
It is not an easy task to achieve a state power. It is a herculean task to achieve state power of a state like U.S.A. which is a global super power economically as well as politically.
American which is the world economic leader in the twentieth century and atomic supper power runs for Presidential Election in November this year.
A recession is being experienced in the first quarter of the 21st century beyond the expectation of the whole world, the entirely of the financial structure is tumbling down resulting on closure of banks and several other financial institution at a terrific rate. In the above circumstances, the presidential elections due to be held in U.S.A. would prove to be a decisive factor not only for U.S.A. but also to the whole world.
An iron fist is as per requisite to arrest the economic downfall and to build up a stability giving leadership to the world. The Americans will soon be deciding on the person who will be fit enough to shoulder that leadership.
It is appropriate and opportune to examine and explore as to who will succeed in this hustling out of the two powerful contestants since we in Sri Lanka consider it relevant to us as such results could affect us seriously. For purposes of this study, we will be considering the two horoscopes of the two contestants, submitted to us by Mr. Kosala Tantula, a financial consultant on 12th June 2008 based in U.S.A., John McCain, 72, of Republican party and Barack Obama 47, of Conservative party are the aspirants to the Presidential Chair after George Bush on the 20th of January 2009. The successor is presently indeterminate and opinion polls waver on both sides.
Accordingly, it is proposed to consider two aspects astrologically.
However, before proceeding further, it is relevant to draw attention to the analysis furnished by Stefan Stenudd (a Swedish author who has written several bestselling books about astrology in Swedish) on the Internet regarding the two horoscopes of Barack Obama and John McCain. According to his analysis, John McCain was born on August 29, 1936 in Cocosolo, Panama 050 9N 23 79W 53’ 30” around 9.00 a.m., as the ascendant Libra.
Considering the planetary movements of Sun, Saturn, Venus, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, he is of opinion that it is advantageous to McCain. His expectations and the attitudes are explained. Furthermore he says that John MaCain’s horoscope when compared with the horoscope of the former Presidents is a complex and extra ordinary. He also says that neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton have as much astrological support for victory of John McCain. He concludes saying, “The transits do in many ways indicate that he wins the Presidential election of 2008, and succeeds George W. Bush as the President of the U.S.A. He assures that John McCain will succeed George Bush as the President of U.S.A. after 20th January 2008.
The Birth of Barack Obama on 4th August 1961 occurred at 010 11’ (07 hrs 11 mts. pm) or 1.06 (7 hrs 06 mts pm) is inconclusive. The astrologer analyses it based on 1.06 pm (7 hrs. 06 mts.) Barrack Obama was born in Honolulu in U.S.A. 19 N 32 47 & 155 W 550 55’definitely a Scorpio and a minor variance is observed in the major period. He further adds that Obama underwent a favourable period in the early stages when the nominations were made, it would be difficult even to seek nominations between 25-28 of August 2008. 4th of November 2008, date of which election will be held is a very unfavourable date for Obama. (“That day is remarkably uneventful to him, according to his chart and the transits. It can only mean that if he runs the Presidency, he will lose that election and it will be no surprise either to him or to anyone else”).
It is difficult to accept the Versions given, regarding the horoscopes of both contestants.
Birth Chart of John McCain - Saturday 29-08-1936 at 9.00 am
GMT 050.79’ N 060 53’ 9 N 23
3 Uttrasala 02.08.01 Sun
03.06.21 Sankata Yogini
John McCain : Born on Saturday 29.08.1936 at 11 am (11 hrs 00 mts.)
G.M.T. 05 9D 20 MN-79D 55MN
Canal Zone – Panama
3 Uttrasala 02.01.16 Sun major period
02.10.15 Sankata Yogini
If the subject’s ascendant is Virgo, it is favoured with Badra Yoga which is one of the five great Yogas described in astrology. It will bestore upon the subject, a broad chest, well built, physique, capacity to handle several undertakings simultaneously excellent memory power, abundance of wealth, youthful demeanor even in advanced age, mentally alert and a very efficient briskness. In addition, sun in the 12th house gives rise to Wimala Yoga. Upendra Yoga, in the lord of Saturn in the 6th house unobstructed gives rise to Harsha Yoga & Jaya Yoga enhances the powers of the horoscope. Even though the Raja Yoga is incomplete completion of two parts thereof, it definitely raises the subject to a higher position than the position at birth.
Upendra Yoga makes him an efficient administrator, not easily amendable to others and makes himself a leader of masses in an area or a district.
Similarly Jaya Yoga makes him a man of self-reliance, second to none, strong willed and a leader of the community.
The 39th verse in the chapter of the compendium called ‘Brihath Parasara Hora Sastro’ indicates that the ascendant Virgo paves the way for a powerful Raja Yoga.
Further, when 5th & 6th houses are movable, and 9th house is a stable, and the ascendant is in duel house Raja Yoga arises. There is no reference therein to it being a powerful one. However in the Horoscope the Bhadra Yoga brought in by Mercury enhances the said Raja Yoga.
Since the analysis made above relates to Raja Yoga, it assures a certain quantum of power to John McCain. If his ascendant is Virgo then Ghati Lagna will be Pisces in the 7th house. As there is absolutely no relationship with Mercury and Jupiter which is of the Lagna Pisces, it is no possible for Ghati Lagna to bestore power in him.
Even if his ascendant is Libra, the Ghati Lagna of the seventh house is Aries. Even then the lord of the Ghati Lagna Mercury aspects the ascendant, absolutely no relationship with the Lord of the house Venus. But the ascendant Libra has generated more power than that of ascendant Virgo. However such power is inadequate to confer state power.
It is not indicated the Dharma Karmadhipathi Yoga either of the Lord of the sun and the moon in the ascendant Libra. Only the Saturn in the house of future seeing the Jupiter in the Lord of the Avuda Lagna paves the way only in visibility of the Dharmakarmadhipathi Raja Yoga.
If the subject’s ascendant’s is Virgo, there will be no Dharmakarmadhipathi Raja Yoga from the ascendant, or in the signs of sun or moon. However only the Dharmakarmadhipathi Raja Yoga is created from the Lord of the house debilitated in the position of state houses, aspect the ascendants and develops some power. There forces enhances the subject’s powers and entitles to leadership but it is difficult to state that such power is adequate to entitle him to state power when compared with the other contestant.
The Planetary position of the ascendant Virgo on the date of the election, 4th November 2008 is as follows.
On the day the sun representing state is debilitated in Libra and Mercury the lord of the ascendant by debilitated by sun and get frustrated. This combination of Sun and Mercury is affected by Mercury the lord of the 8th house and by the third aspect of Saturn traversing on the sun deposited in the 12th house. Even the ascendant is affected by the Mercury, Mars and Saturn all of whom are debilitated and Papakarthari placed. The 2nd house is affected by Dragon’s Hade and Moon the lord of the house and the 5th house is affected by Dragon’s Tail. Therefore the lord of the house where Saturn and Dragon’s tail created Jaya Yoga at birth and the Trine in the 2nd house is seriously afflicted. Consequently the lord of the 2nd house is afflicts by the same planetary combination aspecting from the 10th house. Saturn which created Upendra Yoga at birth traversing in erashtakas in the sun and the ascendant.
The period from 19/10/2008 to 01/15/2009 is the main period of Saturn and sub period of Jupiter according to Vinshottari period. From 21/03/2008 to 01/05/2009 is the period of Badra Yogini of Sankata Yogini in Yogini period. On 21/03/2008, ends the period of Sankata. Saturn period of Vinshattori period and Sankata Yogini period is not favourable to him.
On the backdrops of all these factors, a person of ascendant Virgo is very unlikely to the great man of the globe.
If the ascendant of John McCain is Libra, the Raja Yogas’ powers attributable to Virgo falls apart. Jaya Yoga and Upendra Yoga powers are enhanced. Then the powers attributable to inverse Raja Yoga and the Bradra Yoga vanishes completely. Wimala Yoga gains clarity and strengthening itself. The fortune to become a leader and statesman activities itself by the enhancement of powers of Jaya Yoga and the Upendra Yoga.
The Spot Planetary position of the ascendant Libra on 4th November 2008 is as follows :-
Even the spot planetary position is not favourable. The debilitated sun, Lord of the house who is associated with state affairs where Saturn is deposited in the ascendant as well as the sun is afflicted by the first and second lord of death.
While the lord of the 10th house is afflicted by Dragon’s hade and Dragon’s Tail the poisonous influence of Dragon’s tail spread towards Saturn. According to Vishottari period, the period of the election date passes the interim period of Mercury, of the major period of Mercury. It is the “Ulka” interim period of Yogini period.
Even through Mercury creates Wimala Yoga, the lord of the Vinshottari major period success, is marred by the affliction of Saturn and Moon. Since the interim period of ulka in Sankata period of Yogini period brings along hoards of afflictions, it is difficult to expect any jubilations other than battalions of troubles and restlessness.
Let as examine the horoscope of Barack Obama, the other contestant.
Birth Friday, 4th August 1961 at 7.11 PM
(19 hrs. 11 mts. as 7.24 in the night) 19hrs. 24 mts.
G.M.T 10.21 18MN 157.52MW
People born Capricorn as ascendant, are capable of withstanding any suffering shoulder any responsibility and are very industrious. Barack Obama who owns such and ascendant is resplendent with several special planetary combinations. First and foremost is the Sri Kanthi Yoga. The person with such a yoga is endowed with qualities which takes him to the top possessed with a calm mind, very industrious, undeterred by obstacles and setbacks. The same combination turns out to be one of the five great combinations known as Sasha yoga. Since both these arise in the ascendant itself, the beneficial effects thereof are bound to be bestowed upon the subject. Such a person is excellent in organizational ability which takes him to the top with determination undeterred by trials and tribulations along the path. He is a person closely associated with working class.
Even though numerous examples of this powerful combination are plentiful both locally and internationally, the best example would be Margret Thatcher, the iron fisted lady, the former prime minister of Great Britain. She was born in the ascendant Libra, Saturn was placed in the first house thus creating Sasha yoga. She was born under constellation Ma on 13-10-1925 and was elected to Parliament at the age of 34, became prime minister at the age of 54 which post she held until she was 65. This is adequate proof to prove that those born with powerful Saturn in the ascendant will be bestowed with state power with advancement with age. Since Saturn is at 20.00”.47’ in Capricorn being the lord of ascendant, he also becomes the Pachaka lord of the house. Therefore Pachaka lord of the house is also the lord of the house, who is also the lord of the ascendant. Furthermore, Saturn who is the lord of Pachaka lagna is placed in Capricorn nawamsaka, he also becomes the lord of that too. Since he is thus the lord from square aspects this creates a complete Parijatha yoga or also known as Kalpadruma yoga. Saturn the lord of the ascendant generates the Sri Kanthi yoga and Shasha yoga and placed on the Sinhamshaka degree the effects of Kalpadruma yoga are fully assured. It is also noteworthy to see that Margret Thatcher was not blessed with a Parijatha yoga.
Since Buda Adithya Yoga is available in the horoscope, he will be a good orator and owner and respect will reach him effortlessly. The Moon is exalted therein and the Moon is deposited in the Nakshastra, the lord of which is Jupiter debilitated associated with the lord of ascendant thou creating ‘Neecha Banga Raga Yoga’ giving rise to Mrudanga yoga. This is resplendent with several Raja Yogas. Mrudanga Yoga brings forth a man of extremely powerful nature, popularity independent in mind with a well built physique.
It is strengthened with Sunatha Veshi/Voshi Yogas. Therefore, such a person would be popular, famous, and wealthy with a gift of the silver tongue. He is capable of presenting his opinion in an attractive manner.
Barack Obama’s horoscope examines from Moon ascend, Saturn is the lord of 10th house and the house of the fortune and develops therefore, very strong Raja Yaga. Jupiter is being the lord of the house of fortune from the Sun, the ascendant and the Mars being the lord of the 10th house, aspect each other and creates ‘Dharmakarmadhipathi Raja Yoga’.
Venus, lord of the house of Avuda to ascend, deposited in the house of fortune creates ‘Subakarthari Yoga’. Moon, lord of the Avuda ascend aspects Mercury 100 % and develops ‘Dharmakarmadhipathi Raja Yoga’. Jupiter being the lord of the house of Gathi ascend joins closely with Saturn who is the lord of the 10th house, thus creating very powerful Dharmakarmadhipathi Raja Yoga’. Accordingly Shasha yoga, Sri Kanthi Yoga and Neecha Banga Raja Yoga all contribute towards strengthening the ascendant as well as the lord of the ascendant very powerfully.
Mars the lord of Ghati ascend aspects Jupiter the lord of house of fortune, and Saturn lord of 10th house aspecting each other strengthen the ascendant and the lord of the ascendant. ‘Dharmakarmadhipathi Raja Yoga’ distinct feature in astrology and the people possessed of this yoga conduct themselves with dignity and decorum and others seek guidance and advice from such persons. They are blessed with state power and leadership and are respected and honoured by the state and the royalty. They will reach abundant respect, prosperity and popularity. Since ‘Dharmakarmadhipathi Raja Yoga’ gets built up from several aspect, all qualities mentioned above would be abundantly bestowed upon the individual.
Referring the 18th verse in the chapter 29th of Raja Yoga chapter in Hora Shasthraya of Bruhat Parasara the special qualities of this horoscope can be identified.
The 18th verse in its 29th chapter reads as follows :
‘If Saturn being Swakshetra in nawamsaka aspects the nawamsaka lagna and the 7th House in nawamsaka or similarly for derkanna, is as a Raja Yoga’.
When the birth occurs at 19 hrs. 11 mts. the Cancer nawamsaka arises. Then Saturn is deposited in the Capricorn nawamshaka which is 7th house generates a perfect Raja Yoga. When the births take place at 19 hrs. and 24 mts., nawamshaka is Leo and if Saturn is placed in Capricorn which is the 6th house, Saturn will aspect the ascendant thus completing the Raja Yoga.
Further, the verse 22 of the Raja Yoga chapter reads as follows:
The planet associated with nawanshaka chart Derkana the ascendant, 7th and 2nd house generate Raja Yoga. When nawamshaka is Cancer, Saturn becomes associated with the ascendant and 7th house and generates Raja Yoga.
The verse 37 in the same chapter read as follows:
When either the Lord of 6th house or 8th are debilitated and aspect the ascendant and when debilitated planets are placed in the 3rd and 11th house and aspect the Lagna Raja Yogas are conferred on the subject.
The verse 38 read as follows:
When the lords of the 6th and 8th houses who have not in conjunction with the beneficial planets aspect the lagna it paves the way for a Raja Yoga.
Mercury lord of 6th house, Sun lord of the 8th house when deposited in 7th house unassociated by any of the favourable planets aspect ascendant in directly at 1800 the said Raja Yoga gets completed.
Verse 35 read as follows:
When whichever planet which debilitates the sixth, the eighth, the third and the eleventh house in aspect the Lagna, a Raja Yoga is created spontaneously.
In this horoscope Hora ascendant is Leo, avuda ascendant is Libra. Sagittarius which is 8th house from Leo ascend and 6th from avuda ascend is owned by Jupiter is debilitated in the ascendant itself. The yoga power referred to in the verse gets completed from two combinations and therefore effects of Raja Yaga are bound to bear fruit.
Similarly the 7th Sloka in the chapter on effects of planets in the ‘Utharakalamrta’ reads as follows.
Accordantly when a child is born with the Lord of the Ascendant in the Lagna and the Lord of the Derkanna in the first, second or third Derkanna and when the planet is conjoined with Venus, Jupiter or Mercury or aspected by such planets the sibling is bound to be a person venerated by even King or Emperors.
Saturn lord of the ascendant of the horoscope of Obama in deposited in the ascendant itself not only he is a Capricorn derkana is strengthened by setting on ‘Sinhamsaka’, is in combination with Jupiter is subjected to the 1800 aspecting Mercury and aspected by Venus. Thus the powers concentrating on him are much more than what is referred to in verse, and his becoming the President is assured with certainty.
The lord of the ascendant in this horoscope is in five of the greats and it is ‘Sinhamsaka’ he is inherited with strong executive power. Furthermore Mars is in ‘Uttamanshaka’ and Yoga karaka Venus is in Sagittarius, Gemini and Cancer respectively and is enhanced in ‘Parijathakrushakaya, he has to have higher education, intelligence, eloquence and possession of state is assured .
The spot planetary position on the ascendant Capricorn on 4th November 2008, the date in which the election is due to be held is as follows:
As per the planetary movements occurring on this day, Saturn lord of the ascendant enters enemy house in the 8th house is not favourable. But Jupiter the lord of the 12th house is in a based triangle aspects the lord of ascendant in ‘Prathyaksha Senha Drushti’ and therefore the debilitated of the lord of ascendant are averted. Saturn the lord of is in a trine planetary combination together with sun aspect house of state. In this movement sun denoting state and Mars devoting forces is placed conferred. Lord of 4th house is in mid meridian and Venus the lord of the house of the fortune and yoga karaka is deposited in the income house denoting constitution. Sun lord of the state power Mercury the lord of the house of fortune and Mars the lord of forces is a ‘Karthari’ and support state sector. These trine combinations generate a very strong gregarious yoga and also since it is deposited in the house of state itself the subject will be lead to success.
On this day Capricorn ascends derives much influenced planetary power. All the planets are placed in the visible parts of the chart. Therefore influence of all the planets directing towards the subject of the chart.
Obama was born under the period of Ravi is presently passing through ‘Sampath Dasa’ of the moon of ‘Prathyaree Dasa’ of Jupiter’s major period. Even though the Saturn the lord of ascendant is placed in an enemy house is proceeding towards his exalted house. The said Saturn is traversing a favourable house from Lunar ascend both on Mars, lord of Gathi ascend and on Hora ascend. Movement of Saturn is in Sagittarius and is powerful and by 4th November 2008 reaches a 93% aspecting under ‘Prathyaksha Seneha’ aspect.
Jupiter who generated ‘Neecha Banga Raja Yoga’ in the horoscope. Presently it is Jupiter’s major period and Moon sub period runs until April 2009 and this is bound to bring in great success. This period, according to ‘Parasara’, Jupiter, the lord of the major period brings in royal patronage prosperity and reputation and Sasha Yoga generating Moon in the ascendant triangle will bestow royal patronage reputation and rewards and also all kinds of benefits, riches and wealth. These sub periods and major periods will provide immense power to achieve state power.
Mars who is the 22nd ‘Dekarnadhipathi’ is being traversed by Saturn by movement, brings about obstacles during the period. A period of mental stress and exhausting activities are indicated. It is a period of ‘Erashtaka’, both from the ascendant and by moment thus giving rise to loss of wealth and severe stressfulness. World history is abundant with instances where erashtakers brought in state power to those undergoing the period. Consequently this year during which favourable major dasa and sub dasa period is present, the holding of Presidential election is bound to make him successful overcoming all obstacles. Venus the Yogakaraka is deposited in Sagittarius nawamshaka and Jupiter moves over him during the year. Venus moves on to Sagittarius on 8th November. Venus yogakaraka of Capricorn moving over Jupiter who created Neecha Banga Raja Yoga will bestow employment and elevated position. Year 2008 will open doors to the subject for political success and reputation.
His period from 15-08-2004 to 15-08-2012 is Sankata Yogani Dasa and is not favourable and will bring in loss of wealth, enemy activities and physical fatigue. 15-08-2008 to 25-08-2009 is sub period of Badrika Yogini Dasa of Sankata Yogani Dasa during which period he is due for conflicts with others, beautiful new clothes. Mercury lord of fortune for Capricorn ascends, who is the lord of Badrika Yogini sub period, beneficial due from Mercury are bound to assess.
Capricorn is the ascendant of this horoscope this very powerful chart which generated ‘Sasha Yoga’, ‘Sri Kanthi Yoga’ and ‘Neecha Banga Raja Yoga’ is transited by ‘Sri Lagna’. Hence the Goddess of fortune “Lakshmi” is always with the subject.
It is relevant to examine the spot planetary position at Washington on the day of election at 9.00 am on the 4th November 2008, the day of the election and how it affects the two contestants.
Washington Junction 9.00am
80W 01’.40” 40N 21.10 U.S.A.
If John McCain’s ascendant is Virgo, Mercury the lord of ascendant together with Mars and Sun are placed in the 12th house aspected by Saturn. Such a positioning does not strengthen the lord of ascendant. If the ascendant is Libra Venus is deposited therein. He is afflicted by the Dragon’s Hade. The Moon, the Karma lord is affected by the sight of Dragon’s tail. Thus the day is not powerful for him.
The lord of ascendant, Saturn is placed at the top of the sky Jupiter who created ‘Neecha Banga Raja Yoga’ is ascended is aspected by Saturn at an angle exceeding 93% is a very favourable way, thus supporting state sector. Since he is a commoner so far as I’m aware, Saturn denoting common man is deposited in a house denoting state, it can be stated that his success on this day is quite certain.
Since horoscope of Barack Obama shows Mars and Dragon’s Tail in the 08th house, indicative of accidents, protective measures are necessary. Saturn traversing on such Mars and Dragon’s Tail is not at all favourable. Dragon’s Tail and Mars respectively brings in poison and fire can cause such a misadventure due both to major and sub periods. The existence of Musareepa Yoga may even vitiate such an occurrence.
Barack Obama’s fortune ‘Sahamaya’ is Scorpio and that very Scorpio the ascendant rises at 9.00am at Washington and that Jupiter aspects state house at that point, the success can be highlighted accordingly.
Thus, Barack Obama of 47 will be sworn in as President of U.S.A. and move into the White House is not a surprise
Authour : Astrologer & Architect Advisor, R.M.S. Ratnayaka, B.A. Trained, Retd. Principal. Contect Info: #96, Poorvarama Road, Kirulapone, Colombo 06, Sri Lanka. Tel +94 11 2811514,+94 11 2856301, +94 60 2184561
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Get Ready to Next Tsunami in 2011
Yeah. It could be,. As we discussed all my laws will full fill in 2011. At least there should be an earthquake. Any way, these laws work as well as for earthquakes. This can be trigger out during January 2nd to February 15th. After February 15th Mars will move Capricorn to Aquarius. During January 2nd to January 8th this danger is much higher. Keep this is as an waring not as a prediction.
Yeah. It could be,. As we discussed all my laws will full fill in 2011. At least there should be an earthquake. Any way, these laws work as well as for earthquakes. This can be trigger out during January 2nd to February 15th. After February 15th Mars will move Capricorn to Aquarius. During January 2nd to January 8th this danger is much higher. Keep this is as an waring not as a prediction.
Post Tsunami Vedic Astrological Investigation
In 2004 Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India were strike by tsunami. I tried to look this incident using my astrology eye. Finally I could found some pattern on every tsunami horoscope.
Let say Tsunami Laws, (there are 3 laws just like Newton’s Laws :D )
1. At least two of water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) should be aspect or conjunct by Saturn and Mars.
2. All other natural benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Waxing Moon) should be aspect or conjunct with malefic or Papa Karthari(middle of two malefic planet).
3. Saturn and Mars should be aspect or conjunct themselves or Mars and Rahu should be aspect or conjunct themselves.
I’m not going to prove all these laws by examples. You can check them yourself if you want. (ref
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